Wayward Woman Giving Fund

A Vibrant Collective Giving Fund that encourages Australian women to be micro-philanthropists

 Our focus is on supporting Australian projects and programs that have the goal of creating social change through art and culture.

In 2024 we raised and distributed $4800 to 6 projects - View out 2024 Impact Report HERE


2025 is shaping up to be a great year for the Wayward Woman Giving Fund. 

On the 9th of February, 2025 we held our second fundraising event - a Silent Auction with many unique items of visual art and fashion donated by some amazingly talented Melbourne creatives. 

The Silent Auction raised $3000, which will go towards our collective giving fund, and will be allocated in 2025. 

View Pics and Video from the 2024 event. 

Community Arts and Cultural Development

Community Arts and Cultural Development (CACD) involves artists working collaboratively with communities for the purpose of social change through art and culture. 

Engagement with the arts can have powerful impacts on health, wellbeing and the strengthening of communities…The role of the arts in exploring and communicating social concerns, giving voice to hidden issues and allowing self-expression is also a major contributor to health and wellbeing.

Learn more about CACD and CACD Principles

Women’s Giving and Philanthropy 

Below is a link to a great article written by Philanthropy Australia about how Women’s philanthropy has emerged in recent decades as a distinct area using innovative and creative ideas to improve local, national and global communities. 

Giving Circles like ours are also on the rise, bringing together women who are motivated by compassion, an emotional connection and a desire to see change in the community, coming together to collaborate with each other.

Read the whole article HERE

1000 x 1000 Fundraising 

As the founder of WWGF my aim for 2024 and beyond is to create a sustainable 10-year plan that sees us raising one million dollars and granting $100,000 a year for the next 10 years to worthy projects and programs that align with our goals of supporting the area of Community Arts and Cultural Development.

Because I believe in the power of micro-philanthropy and the power of cumulative giving, if 1000 individuals were to donate $1000 each to the WWGF we would easily reach our goal of raising $1000 000.

Make a Donation of $1000 HERE